

Monday, November 7, 2016

Test Server : The Swapper Bots

Test server  5-6/11/2016

1) Test specifics
The newest test server, by time of this writing, focuses on 2 main features i.e. 2 prototype bots, one heavy and one medium, hence forth called Weapon Swappers. Images below showcase their appearances during this test server.

What is interesting is the new ability of the bots i.e. Swap. This allows the bots to swap their current weapon (front weapon) for their other weapons (back weapons) available to them. For now, they come in a set of 2 weapons each. Each set has 2 corresponding weapons, and only the front weapons can be fired, afterall, one does not wish to fry ones behind with and accidental discharge, would we now.

While this ability may sound gamebreaking, one should also consider that both bots have the lowest HP in their weight class, and have no shield whatsoever. That said, they both have respectable walking speed and turning speed, being some of the faster bots -without any ability that speeds them up, in their weight class. These combination of traits would actually render piloting the Weapon Swappers fragile and in the hand of a reckless or unexperienced players, an easy target. The Weapon Swapper are effectively Glass Cannons, bots that may have good firepower and range but are extremely fragile.

Of note, is that one set of weapon is actually mounted higher than the other when active. Players will need to be aware of which set is active so as to not waste any ammos while shooting over a low cover, on to realize that the slight difference in height has players shoot into the cover instead.

A video introducing the Weapon Swappers is available here: Youtube Video

2) Medium Weapon Swapper (MWS)
The Medium Weapon Swapper has 4 Medium hardpoints. All hardpoints cannot be equipped with ECU shield, at least by the time of this writing. The Swap cooldown time is 30 seconds, and the swap interval time is around 3 seconds. Speed of 40km/h and HP of 110K

One thing of note is its HP which is even lower than the Rogatka, which will probably limit its use in close-range apart from being a hit-and-run or a peekaboo cornershooter. The Rogatka is infamous for being extremely fragile with the addition of new weapons and bots and the fact the the MWS has less health is something to be noted for players considering its use when it gets released.

One setup in particular that I am fond of is the 4 Orkan, which is probably the highest damaging close-range Death Button setup so far. One unload the whole payload of the 1st set of orkans, swap their weapons, and unloads the next set. An experiment on a full HP Lancelot has the Lancelot dying by the time the 2nd set of Orkans finish unloading. The full reload time of the Orkans also synchronizes nicely with the Swap ability cooldown time of the MWS

Another is the 2 Taran and 2 Orkan, which allows for possibilities if the enemy is shielded, hence allowing players to use splash damage them by swapping to Orkans.

3)Heavy Weapon Swapper (HWS)
The HWS has 4 HEavy hardpoints. All hardpoints cannot be equipped with the Ancille shield, at least by the time of this writing. The Swap cooldown time is 40 seconds, and the swap interval time is around 3-4 seconds. Speed of 35km/h and Hp of 150K

While HWS has a respectable HP, in part because of being a heavy bot, it is still a fragile bot and unshielded, hence players thinking of using them purely for close-range should take note of this. They are also very susceptible to Aphids due to their towering size and shape.

A particular favourite setup of mine is using the HWS is the 4 Tridents. Similar in use to the 4 Orkans of the MWS. Only problem with this setup is the long reload time, so players might want to consider when and where they actually swap-and-shoot so as to not waste precious damage possibility.

Using 2 Zeus and 2 Thunders allows the HWS to be a good beacon capper as well. It's 35km/h is useful enough to cap near beacons while the Zeus allows it to weaken enemies before they come into range for the THunders. That said, being a Glass Cannon, one should not fight mano-a-mano with enemies if they with to prolong HWS's survivability.

4) Future use and possibilities
From what I have seen and experimented, there are a few ways to use the Weapon Swappers effectively. One is to set the weapons so that the weapons can fire consecutively once swapped, thus achieving a very large amount of  damage e.g. 4 Orkans. Another is to prepare the bots for either splash damage or  energy damage depending on the enemy e.g. 2 Zeus and 2 Tridents. The last one is to prepare the bot by weapon distance, one for a different kind of usage in the battlefield e.g. 2 Trebs and 2 Thunders

The Weapon Swappers will be a gamechanging bot, but as they are, they are not gamebreaking. Some players will argue that they will be overpowered and extremely dominant. One should remember that the same was said recently for the Lancelot, and yet, many long time players have found its performance unimpressive and many have voiced that they prefer the other Camelot bot: Galahad instead.

At any rate, I doubt we will see players use a full hangar of the Weapon Swapper; quite unlike the Rhino boom when it came out where you can actually see players with a hangar with only Rhinos, which does stand true even till this day for some circles of players

At any rate, once we see the Weapon Swappers released, many a gameplan will change and for the better, as a game like WR requires it to constantly change and evolve for it to survive. Past records say that it will be 2-4 months before they release the bots after the initial test server, hence people will have time to hoard up whatever currency they think it will be in. I, for one, look forward to its release.

Thank You,


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